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Macquarie University Cancer Program

This LibGuide provides links to key Library services and resources for the multidisciplinary teams in each oncology discipline.

Lung Cancer Journals

Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery

 Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery

 The Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery is an online, bi-monthly, peer reviewed publication whose primary objective is to provide critical analysis and a comprehensive  overview of contemporary topics within cardiothoracic surgery. Each issue is over-seen by a special Guest Editor (an international authority on the subject) and is explored through the following sections: Systematic Reviews, Original Studies, Research Highlights, Perspectives, Safeguards and Pitfalls, Illustrated Articles and “Masters of Cardiothoracic Surgery” , which is an interactive multimedia section featuring operative videos provided by renowned surgeons. Online forums are provided for topic-related communication between surgeons. A patient information page is also included.