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Leganto Reading Lists for Students

Provides an overview on using Leganto Reading Lists for Students

Installing and Using the Cite It! Bookmarklet

The Cite It! bookmarklet enables you to collect resources such as websites, videos, journal articles, etc. and import the links into your Leganto 'My Collection' section. Follow the steps below to install the bookmarklet.

Step 1 - To install the bookmarklet, click on your initials at the top right of the screen and select Cite It! guide

Locating the cite it guide in Leganto


Step 2 - In the new window, drag and drop the blue CITE IT! button on to your browser toolbar;

Installing the cite it button


Step 3 - While logged in to Leganto in another window, find a relevant item on your chosen website and click on the Cite it! button in your browser toolbar;

Cite it button


Step 4 - An Add this to my collection popup appears containing the details of the item. Select the appropriate Type for your item from the drop-down menu, check the details are correct, click the Add to My Collection radio button, and then click the ADD & CLOSE button;

Adding a web resource to my collection


N.B. If you are not logged in to Leganto when you click the Cite It! bookmarklet, a new tab will open to prompt you to log in to Leganto. Once logged in you will have to go back to your original tab and click the Cite It! bookmarklet again. 

Cite It! Video

This video was created for course convenors and shows you how to add the Cite It! bookmarklet to your browser bar. You won't be able to add resources to a reading list, only to your personal collection. From your collection, you can suggest a resource to a particular reading list, however, it will need to be approved by the convenor before it is officially added to the list.