Once you are in My Collection, you are ready to start adding citations. There are a couple of ways you can do this; either by finding resources with the built-in MultiSearch function, or by manually uploading resources.
Let's start with the in-built MultiSearch function.
Step 1 - Click on the ADD ITEMS + button on the right-hand side of the screen;
Step 2 - On the right-hand side of the screen, choose the Library Search function to look for a resource;
Step 3 - Type in the title of the resource you are interested in. You can use the Advanced Search link below for added search functionality. Then click on the magnifying glass;
Step 4 - Scroll though the results to find the citation you want. Click on it, then click on the ADD button to add it to your My Collection Library;
Step 5 - Once you have clicked on the ADD button, an ADDED note will appear;