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Literature, Creative Writing & Creative Arts

Find and use relevant resources for Literature, Creative Writing & Creative Arts


Databases are:

  • collections of information, and can include journal and newspaper articles, as well as audio visual, books, conference proceedings and more.
  • often specialised in a specific topic or discipline
  • sometimes cross disciplinary

Useful search terms

  • It can be useful to combine a specific term with a general one
  • Use AND (in capitals) between two terms to link them. For instance, "popular music" AND "writing and publishing"
Specific popular music; music production; songwriting; auditory feedback; sequence production; music cognition; perception and action; tonality; music industry recording studios; usability; digital; audio; human; design
General writing and publishing; production and direction; analysis; research; debate


  • It can be useful to combine a specific term with a general one
  • Use AND (in capitals) between two terms to link them. For instance, singing AND "critical listening"
Specific singing; voice; voice processing; vocals; music education; singing physiological aspects; musicians; voice physiological aspects; looping; voice culture
General reflection; critical listening; pedagogy; instruction and study; perception; analysis


  • It can be useful to combine a specific term with a general one
  • Use AND (in capitals) between two terms to link them. For instance, "popular music" AND "writing and publishing"
Specific popular music; culture; cultural studies; pop; rock; music history
General discussion; analysis; debate; social aspects; history and criticism; theory


  • It can be useful to combine a specific term with a general one
  • Use AND (in capitals) between two terms to link them. For instance, kora AND music
Forms traditional; fusion; contemporary; ethnomusic
Cultural sociological; economic; commercial; symbolism; cultural context
Performance expressive; felt; motion capture; body
Regions South east Asia; Africa; India etc
Instrument Mbira; Kora; Bouzouki; Sarangi; Er; Hu; Lyra; Darabuka; Balafon; Suling
Useful general terms analysis; context; music; society



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Browse the Library's journal subscriptions. You can:

  • browse journals by subject and review tables of contents
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Please note that not all Journals are in Browzine.