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Best Practices and Standards (NEW VERSION)

Resources recommender list

The Subject and Research guides/pages can be found on MultiSearch via the Resource Recommender. Guides are added to this recommender through an excel spreadsheet. If you would like to promote your guide you will need to have it in this spreadsheet, and if you unpublish a guide, you will need to remove it from the list.

1. Adding your guides to the list. You will need to add:

  1. Active: needs to be “true” meaning a published guide/page.
  2. Key:  fill in "library_guide.xxxxxxx" no space following the dot. (e.g. library_guide.Ancient_History).
  3. Name: The name of the guide/page.
  4. Tags: Tags are designed by the guide’s owner. These are the search terms that will have the guide displayed at the top of the results. Tags need to be separated by a semicolon “;” without any spaces between them.
  5. Description: A sentence describing the purpose of the guide.
  6. URL: the friendly URL you created for your guide. Make sure you use https and not http. 
  7. URL text: Click here to view the full guide.
  8. Always display: False.
  9. Internal note: leave blank.
  10. Views: All

2. Removing guides from the list

  • If you make a guide "unpublished" on LibGuides or you do not want a guide to appear in the resource recommender remove that information from the spreadsheet  as "Unpublished" LibGuides go to a "404 not found page" 

3. Email and when you have updated the spreadsheet.