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Clinical Science

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Career Support @ Macquarie

Find credible resources for each phase of your career journey.
A collaboration by MQ Library and the Career & Employment Service.

Connect with Industry


ASHB Australasian Society for Human Biology

Professionals Australia icon



PhD Internships


Internship Information for PhD Students

Are you a PhD student wanting to put your best foot forward for career success? We can help. At APR.Intern, we facilitate paid industry internships to help you get industry experience in 3-6 months.

We are a not-for-profit program, supported by the Australian Government, with a nation-wide network of industry contacts looking for talented research students like you.

The program has an emphasis on placing domestic students, and encouraging underrepresented people in STEM, such as women, regional, Indigenous and disadvantaged PhD students.

Industry internships are here to kick-start your career. Don’t miss out on the perfect opportunity to apply research skills in a new setting and gain invaluable experience — with support every step of the way.

Tools for Employment

Videos available on LinkedIn Learning
Books from the Library
Background Information on Organisations and Companies