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EndNote 21 for Windows

Instructions for using EndNote for Windows

Instructions for downloading and installing EndNote 21

Before installation, if you already have an existing version of EndNote installed on your PC you MUST:

  • Save a copy of your existing library.
  • Uninstall any previous versions of EndNote on your PC.
  • Reboot your PC after uninstalling the previous versions. 
Please be aware that the following instruction is based on using Google Chrome. Other browsers may display slightly differently.




2. When prompted, log in with your OneID username and password;

EndNote 21 OneID sign in


3. A compressed (zipped) file called will appear at the top right corner of your screen;


4. Double click to open it. You should now see two files;


Important: In order to successfully complete installation, you need to extract both files together. If you don't, you will be asked for a product key and you will not be able to complete the installation process, or it will only install a trial version of the program.


5. To extract the files in the .zip package, select both of them and click the Extract all button;


6. You will be asked to select a destination to extract the files to. Use the Browse button to navigate to an appropriate location, e.g. the Downloads folder or the Documents Folder. When ready, click on the Extract button;

Locating a folder


7. Open the folder containing the extracted files. Make sure both files are present. If you don't see the License.dat file, you will not be able to finish the installation process. Double-click the file EN21Inst to install EndNote;


8. Click through the Setup wizard to finish the installation process;

Windows compatibility and system requirements

EndNote 21  is compatible with Windows 10 and 11 operating system.

Cite While You Write feature is compatible with Microsoft Word 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and Office 365 (locally installed desktop version only)

An Internet connection is required to register for online access, search online databases, find full text and automatically update references.

You can find more details from EndNote.

Installing Microsoft Office 365

It is important that you have Microsoft Word installed on your device prior to installing the program.

As a student of Macquarie you have access to a free version of Microsoft Office which you can access here:

FAQs about "product key"

Q: When I try to install EndNote I am being prompted for a product key. What is the product key?

A: You must extract the files from the .zip package before double-clicking the EN21inst.msi file. Not extracting the files properly will cause you to be prompted for a Product Key and you will not be able to install EndNote OR it will only install a trial version.

Uninstall EndNote

Uninstall Endnote icon

If you have a previous version of EndNote installed, you should uninstall it before installing the new version.

For Window 10 and 11:

  1. Click the Windows Start button Window icon and click on Settings .
  2. Click on Apps .
  3. Scroll down the list of apps until you find the EndNote program    you want to uninstall. Click Uninstall.
  4. This will uninstall EndNote completely from your computer.

Important Make sure you save a backup of your EndNote library (with both .enl file and data folder) first using the instructions 'Back up the Library'.