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EndNote 21 for Windows

Instructions for using EndNote for Windows

Exporting citations from MultiSearch

1. Conduct a search using MultiSearch.
2. Select records by clicking on the "pin icon"  beside the titles on the search results page.

3. Click on the "pin icon" pinnext to the Sign in tab to retrieve a list of the selected records.

4.Select records you wish to export by clicking in the checkboxes beside each record in your My Favourites.

5. Click on the "triple dots" icon  next to My Favourites, select ENDNOTE MENDELEY RIS and click DOWNLOAD.

6. Follow the prompts on your browser to export the records into your EndNote Library.

8. Check the data has imported correctly. MultiSearch will often duplicate author names so be careful to delete dupes and check that the surnames are before the first names.

FAQs about file association issues

Q: My RIS file is not opened by EndNote. What can I do?

A: You need to associate the file with EndNote. 

  • Go to Windows File Explorer > double click 'Downloads'
  • Select the RIS file > Right click > Select 'Open With' then select the EndNote option
  • EndNote will now open the RIS files