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EndNote 21 for Windows

Instructions for using EndNote for Windows

Exporting citations directly from online databases

In most databases, you can directly export references into your EndNote Library.

Direct export option varies from database to database. Some allows only single record export while others allows select and export multiple records into your EndNote Library. 

To select and export multiple records:

  • Conduct a search, and select the records you wish to export.
  • Go to your Selected Items, they may be in a Marked Items section or a Temporary Folder.
  • Select a Direct Export function, and choose EndNote Desktop or RIS format (EndNote).
  • Follow the prompts on your browser to export the records into EndNote.
  • The records will now appear in the Imported References folder of your Endnote Library. 
  • It's a good idea to check your references for any errors and edit if necessary.

​Direct export is available from a number of databases including EBSCOhost, Informit, JSTOR, Ovid, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, Sage Journals and Google Scholar.

Watch: EndNote 21 (Windows) Direct Export from Web of Science

The video-only walkthrough below covers the direct export process found within the Web of Science database. A 'Clarivate' production.

FAQs about direct export not available?

                            Q. How can I add citations to EndNote if direct export is not available?

A. You can: