DatAnalysis Premium is a premier research tool, providing comprehensive data on all companies listed on ASX, as well as those delisted since 1989. Select 'Company Reports' in the navigation bar and then search for a company by name or ASX code.
IBISWorld is Australia's largest provider of industry-based research. IBISworld includes profiles on the 2000 largest Australian companies, organisations and government businesses
Australian and overseas companies
D&B Hoovers is a sales, marketing and company research database that includes current information on thousands of companies in Asia and the Pacific and worldwide. Search for a company and then select 'SWOT' or 'Analysts' Reports' from the menu on the left.
MarketLine Advantage is an online database containing profiles of major companies and industries worldwide. Search for a company and select 'SWOT Analysis' from the 'Table Of Contents'.
Factiva This link opens in a new window
Factiva’s global news database contains more than 32,000 premium sources, including licensed publications, influential websites, blogs, images and videos. Select 'Companies/Markets' in the navigation bar and search for a company.
A guide to using this resource can be found here:
Passport This link opens in a new window
Euromonitor International’s Passport is an integrated provides access to business intelligence on industries, economies and consumers. Select 'Companies' in the navigation bar and search for a company.