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Generative AI for students

Provides an overview of uses, tools and issues with generative artificial intelligence

Using generative AI tools in your studies at Macquarie

Macquarie University recognises that generative AI tools offer amazing potential for study, research and work. However, the value of your study here at MQ lies in developing your ability to think critically and to problem solve.

Always act with academic integrity (shown through the values of honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness, and courage). If you're not permitted to use generative AI tools "it's because doing so will undermine your learning and our ability to assess your capabilities and provide you with personalised feedback." (AI tools at Macquarie University)

Below is an overview of Macquarie advice and resources on using generative AI in your studies. Check regularly for updates and advice.

  • In each unit you are taking AND for each assessment, find out which Generative AI tools you can and cannot use. Read the instructions/guidelines or check with your lecturer or tutor if you are not sure.

  • If permitted, check out ways to use Generative AI tools for your study.
  • Acknowledge HOW you have used Generative AI in your assessments by including a reference (citation) or acknowledgement.
  • Understand the drawbacks of the Generative AI tools you use (such as providing inaccurate information, bias, use of your personal data). Investigate each tool you plan to use to understand potential risks. 

Students engaging in research activities must read and comply with the Macquarie University Guidance Note on Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in Research and adhere to the relevant policies listed therein.


This page last updated 18 April 2024.

Macquarie University advice for students