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APA 7 Style

This discipline requires you to use APA 7 style which is an author-date referencing style based on the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA Style.

As an Author-Date style, APA 7th Edition requires two elements: an in-text citation and a reference list entry.

  • In-text citation: author's name, year of publication and a page number if you use a direct quote.

  • Reference list: entries are organised alphabetically by the author surname, contain everything required for others to locate the information, and are located at the end of your work starting on a new page.

Different types of sources will look different in your reference list. For example, a reference list entry for a book requires four to five pieces of information (author, date, title, publisher details and DOI or URL). Whereas a journal article requires more (author, date, article title, journal title, volume and issue number, page range and DOI).

Click on the link below to access the Library's APA 7th Edition guide;

The Library also subscribes to Academic Writer, a tool designed to help you use the APA style. It has quick guides, tutorials, self-quizzes, sample papers, references, tables, and figures. Click on the link below to get started;

Academic Writer

Academic Writer logo

Academic Writer is produced by the American Psychological Association to help support good referencing and writing practices. It contains information, tutorials, examples and writing templates.

Top tip: Check Academic Writer's sample references for guidance on referencing a wide variety of sources, including web sources and social media (202 sample references in all).

Open Academic Writer > Click Learn >Click Quick Guides > Click Go to Sample References

Academic writer - Selected referencing tutorials

The following are just a few of the many tutorials which are available within Academic Writer. 

Citing References in Text

Learn to cite references in the text, including how to implement the basic in-text citation formats, cite multiple works, and format in-text citations with missing author and/or date information.

Direct Quotations and Paraphrases

Learn to cite and format direct quotations, including short quotations and block quotations; make and indicate changes to quotations; and cite paraphrased material.

Journal Article Reference

Learn to format references for journal articles, including those published in print, online, or retrieved from research databases.

Book Reference

Learn to format references for whole books, including both authored books and edited books.

Edited Book Chapter Reference

Learn to format references for chapters in edited books, those books where each chapter is written by a different author (cite the whole book if the same author has written all chapters).

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