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Macquarie University Research Data Repository

Provides an overview of the Macquarie University Research Data Repository

What is the Macquarie University Research Data Repository?

The Macquarie University Research Data Repository (RDR) is an institutional platform where Macquarie University researchers can publish, showcase and share research data. 

Research data is anything that is generated or collected during the course of a research project that could be of use to the wider research community.

The RDR is based on Figshare for Institutions, which has been specifically tailored to suit the needs of the Macquarie University research community.

The RDR is one of the University endorsed data repositories specified in the Research Data Management Policy.

Key benefits of sharing your data in the Research Data Repository:

  • Enables discoverability and access to your research data online from anywhere in the world 
  • Complies with Macquarie University research data management policies, standards and codes
  • Enhances a researcher's public profile with dataset statistics and demonstrates the impact of your research
  • Contributes to new research by helping others find and reuse your data whilst enhancing your academic reputation
  • Issues a persistent citable DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
  • Allows you to apply Creative Commons or other appropriate licenses which define terms of re-use of your data
  • Complies with funder and publisher requirements to make data open
  • Participates in a quality-assured and supported data management process that complements and smoothly aligns with the research project lifecycle
  • Promotes collaboration, data sharing and discovery amongst researchers globally according to FAIR data principles

Other benefits for researchers include the ability to: 

  • Share research files privately with collaborators
  • Manage private and public research datasets
  • Embargo research files

Guide: Publishing a dataset

Research Data Repository - Publishing a dataset

A guide for uploading datasets into Macquarie University Research Data Repository.

Figshare Information

For information about Macquarie University’s particular implementation of Figshare, please see:

Macquarie University Research Data Repository Home

Macquarie University Research Data Repository Features

Macquarie University Research Data Repository FAQs

Publishing a dataset

For general platform information please see:

Figshare Help

Figshare Knowledge Portal

Contact & Support

For help and assistance contact 
MQ Research Data Repository support team

Online: Log a ticket 24x7 using OneHelp - Research Data Repository (requires an MQ OneID login)


Phone: IT Service Desk +61 2 9850-HELP (4357)

Australian Toll-free: 1800-MQHELP (1800 67 4357)