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Find and use relevant resources for Linguistics

Search, Select, Evaluate


MultiSearch is the Library’s search platform that provides access to a large majority of Library resources. You can use it to find books, journal and newspaper articles, theses, databases, unit readings, exam papers, and more. Sign in with your OneID for better results. Click on the link below to access the search platform;


Research Databases

MultiSearch searches across most of the Library's resources, but it doesn't search everything.

To make sure you are finding all relevant literature, you can also search the subject databases included in each topic on the left-hand side. Research databases may be subject specific or cover many different topic areas. The search techniques you use in MultiSearch are usually the same ones you use in the subject databases. Click on the link below to learn more about effective searching;


Recommended Databases for Linguistics

When you are analysing an assignment task or searching on a topic, try using alternative words or phrases for the same concept.

You might find one phrase gives you far more results than the others. Below is an example to start you thinking;

Search topic:  "second language learning and code switching"

Try using a concept grid to help organise your alternative words/phrases for each concept.

Second language learning Code switching
Language acquisition language transfer
L2 Learners  

You can string these similar terms together with OR to help you find more results

Then you can combine the groups for each concept together with AND

Try: "second language learn*" AND "code-switch*"

But you will retrieve more results if you add more similar terms together - something like this:

("second language learn*" OR "language acqui*" OR "L2 learn*") AND ("code switch*" OR codeswitch*  OR "language transfer*")

Search Tips:

  •  Use inverted commas to link two or more words together as a phrase
  •  Use * to truncate words. For example, Learn* will retrieve Learning, Learners, Learned. 
  •  Use dictionaries and other online sources to help you identify similar terms for each of your concepts.

Click on the link below to find out more about how to identify search terms for your research;

Often, you will be required to find and use peer reviewed journal articles in your units.

Peer review refers to:

  • articles which have been scrutinised by recognised authorities in the field
  • articles may be rejected for publication, or asked to revise

Peer review is important because: 

  • It is a guarantee of quality academic material

How do you choose peer reviewed material?

  • By checking the 'peer review' box in the filter pane on the left the search screen

Choosing peer reviewed sources for your assessment is a good idea, but there are other things you need to think about when selecting the right material. Click on the link below to learn more about how to evaluate sources;

Related Guides

Build your referencing skills

Find a guide to the referencing style you’re using, practice your skills or check out on-demand workshops (including Referencing Essentials and APA style).