If you are having difficulties locating the book (for example, it is a one word title like 'Linguistics') then you might want to try some search techniques suggested on the Advanced Search page.
For information on how to access the book see Book availability & locations
Hint: sometimes you need to click Show More under Resource Type to see the full range of options
Available at Macquarie University Library Level 1/ Level 2 indicates the item is available for you to borrow on the open shelves. Check the Call Number to see where in the Library it is located:
Available at Macquarie University Library Automated Retrieval Collection indicates that you need to request the item from the Automated Retrieval Collection (ARC), our on-site storage system. For more information about placing a request see our Request an Item page.
Check availability generally means that the item is on loan. Clicking on the Check availability link will take you to information about when the book is due back. If an item is on loan you can Sign in and place a Request for it. For more information see the Request an Item page.