This Guide will help you find, select, evaluate and reference information resources for your assignments and research.
Use the navigation tabs on the left to identify and develop your understanding of:
Use the quick links on the right to connect to essential Library tools and webpages, and for Study and Research Guides on related topics.
MultiSearch is a search and discovery tool found on the Library's homepage. It provides one-stop searching across the Library's resources, including:
Short Videos on Using MultiSearch:
Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias are examples of reference sources.
You can use Dictionaries to find definitions.
You can use Encyclopaedias to find background information. Articles from specialised subject encyclopaedias are authoritative and often substantive.
Click on the links below to search for reference sources;
Our streaming video content covers a broad range of topics and genres, including fiction and documentary titles. For more information, please visit the Library's Video Streaming subject guide by clicking on the link below;