Zotero is a free program to help you manage your research sources, similar to EndNote and Mendeley. Zotero can:
Collect citations from databases, catalogues and the web
Add PDFs, notes and images to your citations
Arrange citations into collections to make them easy to find
Share your research with a group or the world, and store it online
Add citations and bibliographies as you write
Have a look at our program comparison to see if Zotero is the right bibliographic software for you.
Download Zotero here:
Choose the operating system of your device and click on this link for Installation instructions.
Zotero Connector : Zotero Connector automatically senses content as you browse online and allows you to save it to Zotero with a single click. Choose your preferred browser when you download the connector.
Zotero Word Processor Plugin: This is bundled with Zotero and should be installed automatically, if you are having trouble, please see Manually Installing or Word Processor Plugin Troubleshooting.
There are multiple ways to add references
Importing from Library databases
If you have multiple references in a database (e.g. SCOPUS, Web of Science) and you want to add them to Zotero, save time by selecting them in the database, then choosing Export. Zotero is often not listed in the Export options, but you can use RIS or RefMan.
This downloads an RIS file which you can open with Zotero or import via File > Import.
Adding files
You can also add files to items in your Zotero Library, or drag PDFs into Zotero and allow it to create reference records from them.
To organise your references in Zotero, you can use Collections or Groups.
Collections are simply folders within your zotero library. You can have as many as you like, and you can create subfolders by clicking and dragging folders into one another. Read here about collections.
To create a collection, click the yellow folder icon on the top left. Once you've set up a collection, you can click and drag the references you want into it.
Groups are like collections that can be shared with other Zotero users.
To set up groups you first need to enable data Syncing.
Once this is done, you can create groups in the Zotero app or your online account.
This video Zotero is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license from Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin on Vimeo.