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IEEE Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support


  • Abbreviated titles, months and words are used in IEEE. Please see Abbreviations in IEEE basics box for the list of abbreviations and further examples.
  • For cities in the US, list the city name and the province or state code. For other countries, list the city name and the country.

In-text citation:

See IEEE basics box

Reference list:


[#]  A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, Title of Published Book, #th ed. City of Publisher, State (Only U.S.), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year.


[1]  S. G. Kochan, Programming in C, NJ, USA: Addison-Wesley, 2015.

In-text citation:

See IEEE basics box

Reference list:


[#]  A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, Title of Published Book, #th ed. City of Publisher, State (Only U.S.), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year. [Online]. Available: URL


[1]  D. Ibrahim, Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C. Kidlington, United Kingdom: Newnes, 2014. [Online]. Available:

In-text citation:

See IEEE basics box

Reference list:


[#]  A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of Published Book, D.D. Editor, Ed., #th ed. City of Publisher, State (Only U.S.), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. #, pp. ##-##[Online]. Available: URL


[1]  M. A. Taylor, “Exploring inferential analysis,” in Information System Research: Fundamentals of Scientific Research for the Consumer, New York, NY, USA: Momentum Press, 2017, ch. 8, pp. 127-137. [Online]. Available:

In-text citation:

See IEEE basics box

Reference list:

Format (Print)

[#]   A. B. Author (if listed), “Title of entry,” in Title of Encyclopaedia or Dictionary, X. Editor, Ed., xth ed. City of Publisher, State (only U.S.), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, pp. xxx–xxx.

Format (Electronic)

[#]   A. B. Author (if listed), “Title of entry,” in Title of Encyclopaedia or Dictionary, X. Editor, Ed., xth ed. City of Publisher, State (only U.S.), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year. Accessed: Date. [Online]. Available: URL


[4]  "Assistant icebreaking systems," in  Encyclopedia of Ocean Engineering, W. Cui, S. Fu and Z. Hu, Eds. Singapore: Springer. 2022. Accessed: Nov. 27 2023. [Online]. Available:

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