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Provides an overview on using MultiSearch

Advanced Search


Any field menu  - to select which field you are searching e.g., Title, Author/creator or Subject.  Contains menu - to select whether you are running a keyword search (contains), an exact phrase search (is (exact)), or results starting with your search terms (starts with).  Material Type - narrow your search to a particular material type e.g., books, journals or Video/Film.  Start Date/End Date - narrow your search by specifying a date range.  Boolean operators - these can be used between keywords and phrases in each search line, but can also be used between each line of your advanced search. For more information on using search operators go to Focus your search in StudyWISE.  Add a New Line - allows you to add up to 5 additional lines to the search.


Advanced search examples

The following search criteria was applied:

  • Books, articles & more is selected to search for both print and electronic resources.
  • Title and Author/Creator have been selected as the fields to search
  • Books has been selected as the Material Type

Example: the search below is for the book Lefkowitz, M. & Fant, M. (2016) Women's life in Greece and Rome

alt=" "

The following search criteria was applied:

  • Search for online resources by selecting 'Online articles, eJournals, eBooks & more'
  • "sustainable tourism" is a subject and is searched as an exact phrase - is (exact))
  • Articles has been selected as the Material Type
  • Start Date and End Date has been set

Example: the search below is to find recent journal articles about the effects of sustainable tourism activities on alleviating poverty in developing countries.

alt=" "


Find out more .... Boolean searching

Boolean searching refers to:

  • AND to narrow search results by retrieving all search terms
  • OR to broaden search results by retrieving any of the search results
  • NOT to narrow search results by eliminating certain words or phrases