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AGLC4 Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

Journal articles

The full AGLC4 description for citing journal articles can be found at Rule 5.


Author Title Year Volume (Issue number) Journal Page Pinpoint
Andrew Kenyon 'Problems with Defamation Damages?' (1998) 24(1) Monash University Law Review 70 , 74
  • Author — in order of appearance on the article, refer to Rule 4.1
  • 'Article Title' — in single quotations, refer to Rule 4.2
  • (publication year)
  • Volume number followed by (issue number). No space between volume and issue numbers
  • Journal — include the full title of the journal in italics, omitting The from the beginning, see Rule 5.5
  • Starting page
  • Pinpoint — to pages (or paragraph numbers if necessary)


  • Gary Edmond, 'What Lawyers Should Know about the Forensic "Sciences"' (2015) 36(1) Adelaide Law Review 33, 34.
  • Matthew Groves, 'Empathy, Experience and the Rule Against Bias in Criminal Trials' (2012) 36(2) Criminal Law Journal 84.

Journal articles which are only published online are cited with the same elements of a traditional article citation as far as they are available. See AGLC4 Rule 5.10.

When citing forthcoming or advance journal articles (those that are in the pre-print stage, for example) use the same format as a printed journal article but omit the start page and add (forthcoming) or (advance).


Genevieve Helleringer and Anne-Lise Sibony, 'European Consumer Protection through the Behavioral Lens' (2017) 23 Columbia Journal of European Law (forthcoming).