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AGLC4 Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support


The full details for books can be found in the AGLC4 at Rule 6.


Author Title Publisher Edition Year Pinpoint
DJ Gifford and Kenneth H Gifford, How to Understand an Act of Parliament (Lawbook, 8th ed, 1994) 45.
  • Author — as they appear on the title page of the item, no space between initials, Rule 6.1
  • Title — Italicise and capitalise title (except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions), Rule 6.2
  • Publisher — the entity that published the book
  • Edition — if other than first
  • Year
  • Pinpoint


  • Bobette Wolski, David Field and John Bahrij, Legal Skills: A Practical Guide for Students (Lawbook, 2006).
  • Michael Evans, Equity and Trusts (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2nd ed, 2009).

The full AGLC4 rule for chapters in edited books can be found at Rule 6.6.


Chapter author Title in Book editor/s Book title Publisher Edition Year Page Pinpoint
Peter Millett 'Proprietary Restitution' in Simon Degeling and James Edelman (eds), Equity in Commercial Law (Lawbook, 1994) 123 , 138.
  • Chapter author — as they appear on the title page of the item. 
  • Title — single quotation marks, no italics. Followed by 'in'
  • Book editor/s — names followed by '(ed/s),'
  • Book title — Italicise and capitalise title (except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions)
  • Publisher — the entity that published the book
  • Edition — if other than first
  • Year
  • Pinpoint


  • Anil Hargovan, 'Business Structures' in Jason Harris, Anil Hargovan and Michael Evans (eds), Australian Corporate Law (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2nd ed, 2009) 45.

Forthcoming books are referenced the same way as regular books except that the publication date is replaced by the word forthcoming. See Rule 6.8.


1  Quentin Bryce, Dear Quentin:  Letters of a Governor-General (Meigunyah Press, forthcoming).