1. Go to Library MultiSearch.
2. Select "Database by Title" underneath the multiSearch search box.
3. A new window will open for Database search.
4. Enter "business source premier" in the search box. Click on Search.
5. In the results list, click "Online access".
6. Under "View Online" click on the "Business source premier" link in the database record to take you to the database.
7. You will be prompted to Login with your OneID if you are off campus. To learn more about OneID, visit https://oneid.mq.edu.au.
8. In Business Source Premier, click on "Publications" on the blue ribbon at the top.
9. Enter "Harvard business review" in the search box.
10. Click on Browse.
11. In the results list, click on "Harvard Business Review".
12. Select the year, volume and issue you would like to browse.
13. In the results list, select the article and click on the PDF Full Text to view the article.