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Critical Indigenous Studies

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Indigenous Knowledges Attribution Toolkit Decision Tree

This Decision Tree was created as part of the Indigenous Knowledge Attribution Toolkit (IKAT) which can be found in the document Indigenous Referencing Guidance for Indigenous Knowledges.

  • Before deciding how to attribute Indigenous Knowledges in sources, it is important to consider whether a source is appropriate. 
  • The Decision Tree prompts you to think critically about the source content and authorship, and it recognises that there will be times when you will need to use problematic sources.

IKAT Decision Tree - Is the Resource Appropriate?

Source: Indigenous Archives Collective; Faulkhead, S; Thorpe, K; Sentance, N; Booker, L; & R Barrowcliffe. (2023) Indigenous Referencing Guidance for Indigenous Knowledges.  Indigenous Archives Collective and the UTS Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research.  CC BY-NC-SA

AIATSIS Guide to evaluating and selecting education resources