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Critical Indigenous Studies

Indigenous authored or co-authored publications that include Nation/Country/Language Group affiliation

  • Give attribution to the Indigenous person/s who provided the knowledge when explicitly mentioned as the knowledge's source.
  • If no specific person is named, then give attribution to the Nation/Country/Language Group mentioned as the knowledge's source. 
  • If no Nation/County/Language Group affiliation is stated clearly in the resource, do not include a Nation/Country/Language Group attribution.

In-text citation

(Moreton-Robinson, Goenpul, 2020) OR As argued by Moreton-Robinson (Goenpul) (2020) ...

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Book title. Publisher.   

Moreton-Robinson, A. (Goenpul). (2020). Talkin' up to the white woman. University of Queensland Press.

In-text citation

(Couzens, Kerray Wooroong: Gunditjmara, 2018) OR As argued by Couzens (Keerray Wooroong; Gunditjmara), (2018) ...

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s) (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of journal article. Journal name, Volume(edition), Page number(s). DOI

Couzens, V. (Keerray Wooroong; Gunditmjmara). (2018). Woman spirit - weerreeyaar; Weerreeyaar - woman spirit. The Lifted Brow, 40, 60. 

In-text citation

(De Santolo, Garrwa; Barunggum, 2019) OR As argued by De Santolo (Garrwa; Barunggum) (2019) ...

Reference list

Author of chapter Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of chapter. In Editor – Initial(s) and Family name. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Ed. OR Eds.), Title of book (pp. page numbers). Publisher. DOI or URL (if available)

De Santolo, J. (Garrwa; Barunggum). (2019). The emergence of Yarnbar Jarnngkurr from Indigenous homelands: a creative Indigenous methodology. In J. Archibald (Sto:lo), J. Lee-Morgan (Waikato-Tainui; Ngati Mahuta) & J. De Santolo. (Garrwa; Barunggum). (Eds.), Decolonizing research: Indigenous storywork as methodology (pp. 239-259). ZED Books LTD. 

In-text citation

(O'Sullivan, Wiradjuri, 2022) OR As argued by O'Sullivan (Wiradjuri) (2022) ...

Reference list

Author of post Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). [Twitter Name]. (Year, Month Day). Content or caption of the post – up to the first 20 words [image attached - if needed] [Tweet]. Twitter. URL

O'Sullivan, S. (Wiradjuri). [@sandyosullivan]. (2022, February 20). Side note from my rant earlier today: there are an (unsurprisingly) large number of non-Indigenous writers whose work focuses on Indigenous people [Tweet]. Twitter. 

In-text citation

(Sentance, Wiradjuri, 2022) OR As argued by Sentance (Wiradjuri), (2022) … 

Reference list

Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). [Channel name]. (Year, month day). Video title [Video]. YouTube. URL 

Sentance, N. (Wiradjuri). [ALIANational]. (2022, March 8). Panel session - Indigenous Australian sovereignties and Australian libraries: Who is in control? [Video]. YouTube.  

In-text citation

(Cromb, Gamilaraay, 2022) OR As argued by Cromb (Gamilaraay), (2022) … 

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year, Month Day (if available)). Title of page - Website name. URL 

Cromb, N. (Gamilaraay). (2022). So whose 'Voice' is it anyway? - Nat Cromb - IndigenousX.

In-text citation

(Barrowcliffe, Butchulla, 2020) OR As argued by Barrowcliffe (Butchulla), (2020) … 

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). OR Author screen name (as it appears on the blog). (Nation/Country/Language Group). Year, Month Day (of post). Title of specific post. Site name (if needed). URL of specific post 

Barrowcliffe, R. (Butchulla). 2020, June 17. #BlackLivesMatter and Archives in Australia. Indigenous Archives Collective.  

Personal communications include

  • personal interviews
  • emails
  • letters
  • memos
  • phone conversations
  • text messages

In-text citation

(Faulkhead, Koorie, personal communication, November 4, 2022) OR As shared by Faulkhead (Koorie), (personal communication, November 4, 2022) … 

Reference list

  • Personal communications are not included in the reference list.
  • They are only added as an in-text citation.

In-text citation

(Evans, Gamilaraay/Gomeroi, 2022) OR As discussed by Evans (Gamilaraay/Gomeroi), (2022) ...

Reference list

Artist Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of artwork. [Artistic medium]. Museum name, Museum location.

Evans, P (Gamilaraay/Gomeroi). (2022). Waabigu Maragalgaa. [Ceramic]. Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney NSW.

If you need further examples the full guide is available here

Indigenous knowledges cited in Indigenous authored or co-authored publications

In-text citation

(Kaurareg, in McBride [Wailwan] & Smith [Yuin], 2021) OR Kaurareg (in McBride [Wailwan] & Smith [Yuin], 2021) ...

Reference list

Nation/Country/Language Group. in Family name, Initial. (National/Country/Language Group). (Year). Book title. Publisher.

Kaurareg. in McBride, L. (Wailwan)., & Smith, M. (Yuin). (2021). Unsettled: an Australian Museum exhibition. Australian Museum Trust.

In-text citation

(Paton [Gunai] in Jones [Wiradjuri; Kamilaroi], 2014) OR As quoted by Paton (Gunai), (in Jones [Wiradjuri; Kamilaroi], 2014) … 

Reference list

Family name, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of journal article. Journal name, Volume(edition), page number/s. DOI

Paton (Gunai) in Jones, J. (Wiradjuri; Kamilaroi). (2014). Lighting the fire: Cultural renaissance in the south-east. Artlink, 34(2), 35-38. 

In-text citation

(Cutmore [Gomeroi], in Hromas & Saunders [Biripi], 2021) OR Cutmore [Gomeroi], (in Hromas & Saunders [Biripi], 2021)... 

Reference list

Family name, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). in Author Family name, Initial(s)..(Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper title. URL 

 Cutmore, P. (Gomeroi). in Hromas, J., & Saunders, A (Biripi). (2021, February 14). Moree elders: proud, strong and always resilient. The Guardian. 

In-text citation

(Lf [Yuwi], et al., 2022) OR As argued by Lf (Yuwi) et al. (2022) … 

Reference list

Host Family name, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group) (Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (No. Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast name. Production Company. URL 

 Lf, A. (Yuwi)., De Vries, T. (Gamilaroi; Dharug)., & Scobie, B. (Bundjalung). (Hosts). (2022, October 25). #3.3 Heartbreak high: the reboot [Audio podcast episode]. In Trash Tiddas. Awesome Blak. SGWaDjw  

Indigenous knowledges cited in non-Indigenous authored publications

  • Give attribution to the Indigenous person/s who provided the knowledge when explicitly mentioned as the knowledge's source.
  • If no specific person is named, then given attribution to the Nation/Country/Language Group mentioned as the knowledge's source. 
  • Avoid assuming an attribution if not stated clearly in the resource.

In-text citation

(Awabakal in Threlkeld & Fraser, 1892) OR Awabakal (in Threlkeld & Fraser, 1892) ...

Reference list

Nation/Country/Language Group. in Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

Awabakal. in Threlkeld, L. E. & Fraser, J. (1892). An Australian language: as spoken by the Awabakal, the people of Awabakal or Lake Macquarie (near Newcastle, New South Wales) being an account of their language, traditions, and customs. Govt. Printer, Sydney.

In-text citation

(Narrangga in Nunn & Reid, 20215) OR Narrangga in Nunn & Reid (2015) ...

Reference list

Nation/Country/Language Group in Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of journal article. Journal name, Volume(edition), Page number(s). DOI

Narrangga in Nunn, P., & Reid, N. (2015). Aboriginal memories of inundation of the Australian coast dating from more than 7000 years ago. Australian Geographer, 47(1) 11-47.

In-text citation

(Wiradjuri in, "Aboriginal Place Names", 1939) OR Wiradjuri (in "Aboriginal Place Names", 1939) ...

Reference list

Nation/Country/Language Group (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper title. URL

Wiradjuri in (1939, December 15). Aboriginal place names. Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative.

Indigenous Knowledges Attribution Toolkit

Indigenous Knowledges Attribution Toolkit (IKAT)

This Toolkit includes a two-step process: a decision tree and a citation guide. Before deciding how to attribute Indigenous Knowledges it is important to consider whether the sources are appropriate.