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Dictionaries & encyclopaedias

In-text citation:

Apraxia is defined as ... ,1

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Author/editor - Family name and initials. Title of dictionary. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Title of entry eg. defined word; p. [page number].

  1. Stedman TL. Stedman’s medical dictionary. 28th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. Apraxia; p.119‐20.

In-text citation:

clone3 is defined as ...

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Dictionary title [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Title of entry; [cited year month day]; [about - number of screens]. Available from: URL or database name


  • Year - use copyright date if no publication date can be found - copyright date has the letter 'c' in front of it - eg. c2017
  • Cited date - year in full month is abbreviated to the first 3 letters of the month
  1. Merriam-Webster medical dictionary [Internet]. Springfield (MA): Merriam-Webster Incorporated; c2017. Clone; [cited 2017 Oct 4]; [about 1 screen]. Available from:

In-text citation:

Brookman4 has advocated that ...

Reference list:

Author(s) of article – Family name and initials. Title of article/chapter. In: Family name and initials, editors. Title of encyclopaedia. Place of publication: Publisher name; Year of publication. Vol. - Volume number p. (page numbers of article/chapter).

  1. Brookman F. Hair care products. In: McDonough J, Egolf K, Museum of Broadcast Communications, editors. The Advertising age encyclopedia of advertising. New York (NY): Fitzroy Dearborn; 2003. Vol. 2 p.703‐8.

Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers (2nd edition) and AMA manual of style provide detailed guidance in formatting bibliographic citations in Vancouver referencing style.