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Vancouver Referencing

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In-text citation:

This is well documented in the literature.2

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Author(s) of paper – Family name and initials. Title of paper. In: Editor(s) Family name and initials, editor(s). Title of conference; Date of conference; Place of conference. Place of publication: Publisher’s name; Publication year. p. Page numbers.

  1. Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics. 1992 Sep 6‐10; Geneva (CH). Amsterdam (NL): North Holland; 1992. p. 1561‐5.

Important iconPlace of Conference - follow US and Canadian cities with the 2 letter abbreviation for the state/province (Citing Medicine Appendix E); cities in other countries follow with country name either written out or as 2 letter ISO country code (Citing Medicine Appendix D)

In-text citation:

.... as seen with gender roles.2

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Author(s) of paper - Family name and initials. Title of paper. In: Editor(s) - Family name and initials, editor(s). Title of conference [Internet]; Date of conference; Place of conference. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Publication year. p. Page numbers. Available from: URL

  1. Fallon BJ, Bowles T, Aristeguli I. The effect of gender-role self-stereotypes and social on the relationship between equity and satisfaction. In: Hazelwood ZJ, editor. Connecting research and comparison practice in relationships: conference proceedings [Internet]; 2009 Nov 7-8; Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Melbourne (AU): Australian Psychological Society, 2009 [cited 2017 Nov 16]. p. 22-7. Available from:;dn=203379862897273; res=IELHEA

Important iconPlace of Conference - follow US and Canadian cities with the 2 letter abbreviation for the state/province (Citing Medicine Appendix E)cities in other countries follow with country name either written out or as 2 letter ISO country code (Citing Medicine Appendix D)

In-text citation:

It has been found that endemic STD’s are endemic in the Northern Territory.3

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Author(s) of paper – Family name and initials. Title of paper. Paper presented at: Title of conference; Date of conference - year month date(s); Place of conference.

  1. Bowden FJ, Fairley CK. Endemic STDs in the Northern Territory: estimations of effective rates of partner exchange. Paper presented at: The Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians; 1996 Jun 24‐25; Darwin, Australia.

Important iconPlace of Conference - follow US and Canadian cities with the 2 letter abbreviation for the state/province (Citing Medicine Appendix E); cities in other countries follow with country name either written out or as 2 letter ISO country code (Citing Medicine Appendix D)

In-text citation:

Kimura4 found that research supports ...

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Editor(s) - Family name and initials. Title of book. Title of conference proceedings; Date of conference - year month day(s); Place of conference. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication year. 

  1. Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15‐19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam (NL): Elsevier; 1996.

Important iconPlace of Conference - follow US and Canadian cities with the 2 letter abbreviation for the state/province (Citing Medicine Appendix E); cities in other countries follow with country name either written out or as 2 letter ISO country code (Citing Medicine Appendix D)

In-text citation:

... grammar.5

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Editor(s) - Family name and initials. Title of conference [Internet]; Date of conference - year month day(s); Place of conference. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication year [cited date - year month day]. Available from: URL

  1. Muller S, editor. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on head-driven phrase structure grammar [Internet]; 2003 Jul 18-20; East Lansing (MI); Stanford (CA): CSLI Publications; 2003 [cited 2017 Nov 16]. Available from: cslipublications/HPSG/2003/toc.shtml

Important iconPlace of Conference - follow US and Canadian cities with the 2 letter abbreviation for the state/province (Citing Medicine Appendix E); cities in other countries follow with country name either written out or as 2 letter ISO country code (Citing Medicine Appendix D)

Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers (2nd edition) and AMA manual of style provide detailed guidance in formatting bibliographic citations in Vancouver referencing style.