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Vancouver Referencing

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In-text citation:

Robertson2 states that ...

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Reference list:

Author(s) - Family name and initials. Article title. Newspaper title (edition of paper eg. Weekend edition). Date of publication - year month (3 letter abbreviation) day(s): Sect. Location eg. A:12 or Business 5 (5 is the page number) column number if applicable in brackets eg. (col. 1). (Sect = Section).

  1. Robertson J. Not married to the art. The Courier Mail (Weekend edition). 2010 Mar 6‐7: Sect. ETC:15 (col.1).

In-text citation:

Families of truck drivers should be educated to assist in avoiding fatigue.3

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Reference list:

Article title. Newspaper title (edition of paper eg. Weekend edition). Date of publication – year month (3 letter abbreviation) day: Sect. Location eg. A:12 or Business 5 (5 is the page number) column number if applicable in brackets eg. (col. 1). (Sect = Section).

  1. Families can help beat driver fatigue . The Courier Mail. 2001 May 5:59.

In-text citation:

The findings of the research...

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Author - Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages. (Sect = Section).

  1. Marano HE. Making of a perfectionist. Psychol Today. 2008 Mar‐Apr;41:80‐86.

In-text citation:

... causing them to leave.5

More information about in-text citations

Reference list:

Author(s) - Family name and initials. Article title. Newspaper title (edition of paper eg. Weekend edition) [Internet]. Date of publication - year month day [cited date - year month day]: Section of newspaper. Available from: URL

  1. Sack K. With Medicaid cuts, doctors and patients drop out. The New York Times [Internet]. 2010 Mar 16 [cited 2010 Mar 16]: Health:A1. Available from:

Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers (2nd edition) and AMA manual of style provide detailed guidance in formatting bibliographic citations in Vancouver referencing style.