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Chicago 17th Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

Citing webpages

  • To cite a webpage state the title or description of the specific page; the title or description of the site as a whole; the owner or sponsor of the site; and a URL. The word website (or web page) may be added (in parentheses) after the title or description of the site if the nature of the source is unclear. 
  • Publication date or date of revision or modification; if no such date can be determined, include an access date. For frequently updated resources, a time stamp may be included. 

Elements of footnote:

Author (First Name Family Name), "Webpage Title," Title or Owner of Website, Date of Publication / Revision or Access, URL.


22 Stephanie McCarter, "Rape, Lost in Translation: How Translators of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” Turn an Assault Into a Consensual Encounter," Electric Lit, 1 May 2018,

Subsequent Notes:

27 McCarter, "Rape, lost in translation."

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author/s (Family Name, First Name/s). "Webpage Title." Title or Owner of Website. Date of Publication / Revision or Access. URL.

Bibliography entry:

McCarter, Stephanie. "Rape, Lost in Translation: How Translators of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” Turn an Assault Into a Consensual Encounter." Electric Lit. 1 May 2018.

Elements of footnote:

"Title of Webpage," Website Name/Owner/Publisher, published/Last modified/Accessed date in Month Day, Year, URL.


9 "Press Room," IMDb, Accessed November 28, 2023,

Subsequent Notes:

11 "Press Room"

Elements of bibliography entry:

Owner/Publisher. "Webpage Title." Website Name. Publication/Last modified/Accessed date in Month Day, Year. URL.

Bibliography entry:

IMDb. "Press Room" IMDb. Accessed November 28, 2023,


  • If no authors are named, the webpage title comes first in the notes entry, but in the bibliography the website owner/publisher is the first element.
  • If there is no date of publication, use Last modified or Last updated date if given; otherwise the date you accessed the information.

Elements of footnote:

Author of post (handle where available), "Text of post," Location/description of post, Date of post, URL.


5 Macquarie University (@macquarieuni). “ Open Day 2023 - did we see you there? #myMQ,” Instagram, August 12, 2023,

Subsequent Notes:

8 Macquarie University, "Open Day 2023"

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author of Post (handle where available). "Text of Post." Location/description of Post. Date of post. URL.

Bibliography entry:

Macquarie University (@macquarieuni). “ Open Day 2023 - did we see you there? #myMQ,” Instagram, August 12, 2023,

Elements of footnote:

Author (First Name Last Name), "Title of Blog Post," Title of Blog (blog), Date of post, URL.


23 Inger Mewburn, “Mind the Gap (in the Literature),” The Thesis Whisperer (blog), May 26, 2023,

Subsequent Notes:

25 Mewburn, "Mind the Gap."

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author (Last Name, First Name/s). "Title of Blog Post." Title of Blog (blog). Date of post. URL.

Bibliography entry:

Mewburn, Inger. “Mind the Gap (in the Literature),” The Thesis Whisperer (blog), May 26, 2023,