Elements of footnote:
Author/s (First Name Family Name), "Entry Title," in Name of Encyclopaedia, ed/s. Editor/s (First Name Last Name), Place of publication, Year, page no/URL.
15 C.R. Moore and M.A. Crotty, "Australian Masculinities," in International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, ed. M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B. Pease, and K. Pringle, London: Routledge, 2007, 32.
Subsequent Notes:
20 Moore, "Australian Masculinities."
Elements of bibliography entry:
Author/s (Family Name, First Name). "Entry Title." In Name of Encyclopaedia, edited by Editor/s (First Name Family Name). Publisher, Year. URL
Bibliography entry:
Moore, C.R. and M.A. Crotty. "Australian Masculinities." In International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, edited by M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B. Pease, and K. Pringle. Routledge, 2007.
Elements of footnote:
Author/s (First Name Family Name), "Entry Title," in Name of Encyclopaedia, ed/s. Editor/s (First Name Family Name), Place of publication, Year, page no/URL.
16 Damian Cox, Michael Levine and Marguerite La Caze, "Integrity," in Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward N. Zalta. Standford University, 2017. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2017/entries/integrity/.
Subsequent Notes:
22 Cox, "Integrity."
Elements of bibliography entry:
Author/s (Family Name, First Name). "Entry Title." In Name of Encyclopaedia, edited by Editor First Name Last Name. Publisher, Year. URL
Bibliography entry:
Cox, Damian, Michael Levine, and Marguerite La Caze. "Integrity." In Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta Standford University, 2001. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2017/entries/integrity/
Elements of footnote:
Name of Encyclopedia or Dictionary, s.v. "Title of Entry," Date of publication, modification, or access, DOI/URL/Database.
15 Macquarie Dictionary, s.v. "Procrastination," accessed September 15, 2023, https://www-macquariedictionary-com-au.features/word/search/?search_word_type=Dictionary&word=procrastination
Subsequent Notes:
20 "Procrastination."
Elements of bibliography entry:
Well-known reference books such as major dictionaries or encyclopedias do not require full publication details and are not usually cited in bibliographies.
Elements of footnote:
Wikipedia, s.v. "Title of Entry," Date last modified, Time stamp, URL.
15 Wikipedia, s.v. "Marketing," November 30, 2023, 04:58, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing
Subsequent Notes:
20 "Marketing."
Elements of bibliography entry:
Wikipedia, s.v. "Title of Entry." Date last modified. Time stamp. URL.
Bibliography entry:
Wikipedia, s.v. "Marketing," November 30, 2023, 04:58, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing