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Chicago Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

Other sources

Database - Ancient text, author known


1  Polyaenus Stratagems 5.44, trans. Shepherd. 

Bibliography entry

Polyaenus Stratagems, translated by Richard Shepherd, 

Note: omit the translator’s name if citing the original text. 

Database - Ancient text, anonymous 


1  The Teachings of Ptahhotep, P. Prisse = P. BN 186-194, 4.4 in Dils, TLA. 

Bibliography entry

Dils, Peter. Die Lehre des Ptahhotep. Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (TLA), last modified 2004. 

Tip: each database provides different information but generally the information needed is; the author (if available), document title or type, date (if available), title of the database and the URL.

Book - Ancient text, author known 


23  Thucydides 2.15.2, trans. Warner. 

Bibliography entry

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, translated by Rex Warner. London: Penguin, 1972. 

Book - Ancient text, anonymous 


23  The Contendings of Horus and Seth, P. Chester Beatty I, Rto.,1.5, in Gardiner, Late Egyptian Stories: 37.7 

Tip: Editor (page.line) or translator (page). 

Bibliography entry

Gardiner, Alan H., Late Egyptian Stories. Brussels: Édition de le Fondation égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1932.


2  Sarah J. Ogden to Sarah A. Kimball, 31 January 1859, Box 1, Folder 5, RH MS 802, Pillsbury Family Papers, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States. 

Subsequent footnote, same source

23  Sarah J. Ogden to Sarah A. Kimball, 31 January 1859, Pillsbury Family Papers. 

Bibliography entry

Pillsbury Family Papers. RHMS 802. Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States. 


Artist, Title: subtitle, Date, Medium, Location.


26 Salvador Dalí, The Persistence of Memory, 1931, oil on canvas, 9½ × 13″ (24.1 × 33 cm), Museum of Modern Art, New York. 

Subsequent notes

28 Dali, Memory.

Elements of bibliography entry

Artist. Title in italics. Date of creation or completion, information about the medium. Location of the work.

Bibliography Entry

Dali, Salvador. The Persistence of Memory. 1931, oil on canvas, 9½ × 13″ (24.1 × 33 cm). Museum of Modern Art, New York.


  • Information about paintings, photographs, sculptures, or other works of art can usually be presented in the text rather than in a note or bibliography.
Elements of footnote:

Reviewer's First Name Family Name, "Title of Review [if any]," review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name, Name of Journal in which review appears Volume Number, no. Issue Number (Date of Publication): Page Number of Exact Citation, Number or Name of Database.


23  Tanya Khovanova, review of Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality, by Edward Frenkel, The College Mathematics Journal 45, no. 3 (May 2014): 230,

Subsequent notes:

28 Khovanova, review of Love and Math, 231. 

Elements of bibliography entry

Reviewer's Family Name, First Name. "Title of Review [if any]." Review of Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author/Editor's First Name Last Name. Name of Journal in which review appears Volume Number, no. Issue Number (Date of Publication): First Page Number of Article-Last Page Number of Article. Number or Name of Database.

Bibliography entry

Khovanova, Tanya. Review of Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality, by Edward Frenkel. The College Mathematics Journal 45, no. 3 (May 2014): 230-231.


  • This is for a book review in a journal.
Elements of footnote
Author of  Paper, A., and B. Author of Paper. Year. "Title of Paper." Paper presented at Title of Conference: Subtitle of Conference, Location, Date.
22. Aurelia Armstrong, "Foucault and the Question of Autonomy" (paper presented at the Australian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, 20 November 2003),


Subsequent notes

23. . Armstrong, Foucault,16.

Elements of bibliography entry

Author of  Paper, A., and B. Author of Paper. Year. "Title of Paper." In Title of Published Proceedings: Subtitle of Conference, Location, Date, inclusive page numbers. Place of publication: Publisher.

Bibliography entry

Armstrong, Aurelia. "Foucault and the Question of Autonomy." Paper presented at the Australian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference, University of Queensland, St Lucia, 20 November 2003.


  • A conference paper from the internet will have a DOI, a print conference paper will have the place of publication and publisher.
  • A paper included in the published proceedings of a meeting may be treated like a book chapter.
  • If published in a journal, it is treated as an article.
  • Details of the sponsorship, location, and date of the meeting at which a speech was given or a paper, slides, or poster presented follow the title. This information is put in parentheses in a note but not in a bibliography. If the information is available online, include a URL.

Elements of footnote:

Author/s (First Name Family Name), "Title: Subtitle," Course Code Course Name (type of work, Location: University, Date), page(s) cited, URL or iLearn.


Brett White, “Control + Ethics & CSR,” MGMT1002 Principles of Management (Lecture slides. North Ryde, NSW, Australia: Macquarie University, September 30, 2023), iLearn. 

Subsequent Notes:

10 White, "Control + Ethics": 12

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author/s (Family Name, First Name/s). "Title: Subtitle." Course Code Course Name. Type of work. Location: University, Date. URL or iLearn. 

Bibliography entry:

White, Brett, “Control + Ethics & CSR.” MGMT1002 Principles of Management. Lecture slides. North Ryde, NSW, Australia: Macquarie University, September 30, 2023, iLearn. 

Elements of footnote

Contributor's First and Family Names, type of contribution, Title: Subtitle (Original release date; Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication), Medium, duration. DOI or Database name or URL if applicable. 


26 Jonathan King, dir., Black Sheep (Surry Hills, N.S.W.: Icon Home Entertainment, 2007), DVD Video, 82 min.

28  DanimalLawlz, "Jason Alexander Teaches Larry David How to Play George", 8 December 2012, Youtube video, 2:45,  

Subsequent notes

30  Black Sheep

32  DanimalLawlz, "Jason Alexander Teaches Larry David How to Play George",

Elements of bibliography entry

Director's Family Name, First Name, director. Title of Film. Production Company or Distributor, Year of Release. Medium (if not in a theatre).


Bibliography entry

DanimalLawlz. "Jason Alexander Teaches Larry David How to Play George." 8 December 2012. Youtube video, 2:45. 

King, Jonathan, dir. Black Sheep. Surry Hills, N.S.W.: Icon Home Entertainment, 2007. DVD Video, 82 min.


  • How you reference audio-visual materials will vary according to the nature of the material.  Any facts relevant to identifying the item should be included.  
  • Unless you watched the film in a theatre, include information about the medium at the end of the citation.
  • For a film watched online, include the URL or database name.

Elements of footnote

Originator of the communication, medium, date.


23  Charlotte Homes, email correspondence, July 20, 2023.

Subsequent notes

28 Homes, email. 

Elements of bibliography entry

These are usually cited in the text or in a note only; they are rarely included in a bibliography. If unsure, check with your convenor. 


  • Conversations, unpublished letters, emails and text messages are classed as personal communications
  • You can also cite directly in your text, rather than in the notes. For instance, 'In an email to the author on January 12, 2023, Pretend Museum senior curator, Joe Bloggs, listed the following points ....'
  • Citations of personal communications should always omit any personal data (email address, cell phone number, etc). 
  • Personal communications are typically also left out of the bibliography. If they are critical to your argument, or frequently cited, then do include in the bibliography.

The Chicago Manual of Style refers to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for referencing legal publications. However, this does not cover Australian materials. For Australian resources, the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition (AGLC4) has been used. The examples here are based on this format.

Reported Cases:


Party Names (Year) Volume Law report abbreviation Page number, Pinpoint (Judicial Officer)

Commonwealth v Tasmania (1983) 158 CLR 1, 291 (Dean J)


Commonwealth v Tasmania (1983) 158 CLR 1

Acts or Statutes:


Title Year Jurisdiction Pinpoint or page number

Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 3


Crimes Act 1958 (Vic)


  • Cth (Commonwealth)
  • ACT (Australian Capital Territory) 
  • NSW (New South Wales)
  • NT (Northern Territory)
  • Qld (Queensland)
  • SA (South Australia)
  • Tas (Tasmania)
  • Vic (Victoria)
  • WA (Western Australia)

For all other resource types please refer to the full AGLC4 Guide.

Elements of footnote

Author First name and Family name, "Title in inverted commas" (Unpublished manuscript, version date), Format.


21 John East, "The Duhig building: changing configurations of a library space at the University of Queensland" (unpublished manuscript, January 17 2018), typescript.

Subsequent notes:

22 East, "The Duhig building"

Elements of bibliography entry

Author's Family Name, First Name "Title in inverted commas" Unpublished manuscript, version date. Format.

Bibliography list entry

East, John. "The Duhig building: changing configurations of a library space at the University of Queensland." Unpublished manuscript, January 17 2018. Typescript.

  • Titles of unpublished manuscripts, like the titles of other unpublished works, appear in quotation marks.
  • Include the words unpublished manuscript and the date of the version consulted, if known; for electronic files, a last-saved or last-modified date may be appropriate.
  • End the citation with an indication of format.
  • When a book is under contract with a publisher and is already titled, but the date of publication is not yet known, forthcoming is used in place of the date.


2  Amphora of Pholos receiving Heracles, British Museum, 1837, 0609.42,   

Bibliography entry

British Museum,

Tip: If the object bears text, cite the text line after the object name. If the artist or maker is known, cite them before the object name. 

Elements of footnote

Composer, Title of Score (Place of publication: Publisher, year), page number(s).


26.  Igor Stravinsky, Rite of Spring (London, England: Hansen House, 1975), 3.

Subsequent notes

29. Stravinsky, Rite of Spring, 4.

Elements of bibliography

Composer First Name Family Name -- Score Title, ed. or arr. by First Name Last Name if Applicable-- vocal score (City of Publication, State or Country: Name of Publisher, Year of Publication)-- Page Number -- m. Measure Number if Applicable.


Stravinsky, Igor. Rite of Spring. London, England: Hansen House, 1975


  • For a digital score database name and/or URL  at the end.
  • For the date, include the date of the recording, the copyright date or published date included with the recording. If a date cannot be found consult a library catalogue or other resource; citations without a date are generally unacceptable. If no date can be found, use “n.d.” (for no date).
  • Other specifics for parts of score, a born digital score etc should be checked in the Chicago Manual of Style Online.


2  Toni Morrison, “Nobel Lecture,” December 7, 1993, Grand Hall of the Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden, MPEG-4, 33:18,

Subsequent footnote, same source

23  Morrison, Nobel Lecture, 35:02. 

Bibliography entry

Toni Morrison, “Nobel Lecture,” December 7, 1993, Grand Hall of the Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden, MPEG-4,

Reports are treated essentially as books. Details about the author and publisher may not as extensive as book information, but sufficient information should be given to identify the document.

Elements of footnote:

Author (First Name Family Name), Title of Report, edition (Place of publication: Publisher, year), page number(s).


1 McDonald's Corporation, 2014 Annual Report, March 2015,

Subsequent Notes:

McDonald's, Annual Report: 82

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author (Family Name, First Name/s). Report Title: Subtitle. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. 

Bibliography entry:

McDonald's Corporation, 2014 Annual Report, March 2015,

Cite this using the Ancient text - Book, anonymous format but do not italicise the title. For example,

23  Koran 19:17-21. 

Elements of footnote:

Author’s Family Name, First Name, "Thesis Title: Subtitle in quotation marks" (Type of Thesis, Institution, Year), pages cited, URL

Footnote example

17 Michelle Boulous Walker, "Philosophy and Silence: Reading the Maternal Body," (PhD thesis, University of Queensland, 1996), 99,

Subsequent notes

18 Walker, "Philosophy and Silence"

Elements of bibliography entry

Author’s Last Names, First Name. "Thesis Title: Subtitle in quotation marks." Type of Thesis, Institution, Year. URL

Bibliography Example

Walker, Michelle Boulous. "Philosophy and Silence: Reading the Maternal Body." PhD thesis., University of Queensland, 1996.