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Chicago 17th Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

Citing newspaper or magazine articles

  • Articles from newspapers or news sites, magazines, blogs, and the like are cited similarly. If you consulted the article online, include a URL or the name of the database.
  • Regular columns or features may carry headlines as well as column titles. Like the names of sections, these should appear in roman, capitalized but without quotation marks, when they are included in a citation.
  • Because a newspaper issue of any given day may include several editions, and items may be moved or eliminated in various editions, page numbers can be cited in the footnote but are usually omitted from the bibliography.

Elements of footnote:

 Author (First Name Family Name), “Title of Article: Subtitle,” Title of Newspaper, Date, DOI/URL/Database (if consulted online).


11 Max Walden, "Malaysia Urges Citizens to Obey Australian Immigration Law After Report of 33,000 Asylum Claims," ABC News, September 2, 2019,

14 Chris Griffith, "Solving the Energy Crisis: Green Solutions to Generation and Storage," The Australian, November 20, 2023, Factiva.

Subsequent Notes:

12 Walden, "Malaysia Urges Citizens."

15 Griffith, "Solving the Energy Crisis."

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author/s (Family Name, First Name/s). "Article Title: Subtitle." Title of Newspaper,  Date of Publication,  DOI/URL/Database (if consulted online)

Bibliography entry:

Walden, Max. "Malaysia Urges Citizens to Obey Australian Immigration Law After Report of 33,000 Asylum Claims." ABC News, September 2, 2019.

Griffith, Chris "Solving the Energy Crisis: Green Solutions to Generation and Storage," The Australian, 20 November, 2023, Factiva.


  • Newspapers, even if numbered by volume and issue, are usually cited by date only. 
  • The date (month day, year), being an indispensable element in the citation, is not enclosed in parentheses. 
  • The page numbers of an online newspaper article are usually omitted. Citations of print editions may include a specific page reference.

Elements of footnote:

“Title of Article,” Title of Newspaper, Date, URL/Database(if consulted online).


8 "Time to Think Twice About Asbestos this November," Canberra Times, November 21, 2023, Factiva.

Subsequent Notes:

9 "Time to Think Twice."

Elements of bibliography entry:

Title of Newspaper. "Title of Article." Date. URL/Database (if consulted online).

Bibliography entry:

Canberra Times. "Time to think about asbestos this November," November 21, 2023, Factiva.

Elements of footnote:

Author/s (First Name Family Name), “Title of Article,” Title of Publication, date, page number(s), URL/Database (if consulted online). 


11 Troy Patterson, "The Indelible Substance of a Semester with Toni Morrison," New Yorker, August 7, 2019,

Subsequent Notes:

9 Patterson, "The Indelible Substance"

Elements of bibliography entry:

Author (Family Name, First Name/s). "Title of article." Title of Publication, date. URL/Database (if consulted online).

Bibliography entry:

Patterson, Troy. "The Indelible Substance of a Semester with Toni Morrison." New Yorker, August 7, 2019.


  • For magazines, the procedure is generally the same as for journals. The volume and issue or other information is replaced by the date.