Elements of footnote:
9 Kriston Rennie, "The Normative Character of Monastic Exemption in the Early Medieval Latin West," Medieval Worlds 6 (2017): 71, https://doi:10.1553/medievalworlds_no6_2017s61
Subsequent Notes:
10 Kriston, "The normative character": 74
Elements of bibliography entry:
Author (Family Name, First Name/s). "Title of article." Title of Journal Volume, issue, (year): Page number(s), DOI/URL/Database name.
Bibliography entry:
Rennie, Kriston R. "The Normative Character of Monastic Exemption in the Early Medieval Latin West." Medieval Worlds Volume 6, (2017): 61-77. https://doi.org/10.1553/medievalworlds_no6_2017s61.
Elements of footnote:
Author 1 (First Name/s Family Name), Author 2, and Author 3, “Title of Article,” Title of Journal volume number, issue number (year): page number(s), DOI/URL/Database name.
8 Wenhao Wu and Qi He, "The Roles of Moral Disengagement and Learned Helplessness Towards International Postgraduate Students’ Academic Procrastination," Psychology Research and Behavior Management 15, no.10 (2022): 1092 https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S343135,
Subsequent Notes:
9 Wu and He, "The Roles of Moral," 1098.
Elements of bibliography entry:
Author 1 (Family Name, First Name/s), Author 2, and Author 3. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal volume number, issue number (year): page number(s).
Bibliography entry:
Wu, Wenhao, and Qi He. "The Roles of Moral Disengagement and Learned Helplessness Towards International Postgraduate Students’ Academic Procrastination." Psychology Research and Behavior Management 15 (2022): 1085-1104. https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S343135.
Elements of footnote:
Author 1 (First Name/s Family Name) et al., “Title of Article,” Title of Journal volume number, issue number (year): page number(s), DOI/URL/Database name.
14 Kai Whiting et al., "Illumination as a Material Service: A Comparison Between Ancient Rome and Early 19th Century London," Ecological Economics 169, no.1 (2020): 22, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106502.
Subsequent Notes:
15 Whiting et al., "Illumination as a material," 28.
Elements of bibliography entry:
Author 1 (Family Name, First Name/s), Author 2, Author 3, and Author 4. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal volume number, issue number (year): page number(s). DOI/URL/Database name.
Bibliography entry:
Whiting, Kai, Luis Gabriel Carmona, Lina Brand-Correa, and Edward Simpson. "Illumination as a Material Service: A Comparison between Ancient Rome and Early 19th Century London." Ecological Economics 169, no.1 (2020): 18-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106502.