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Chicago 17th Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

Citation generators

A citation generator is a tool that can create a citation for a bibliography, allowing you to copy and paste it into your assignment.

Important iconOnce you have created a citation you always need to cross-check with the Referencing Guide to confirm everything is correct before you submit the assignment.

MultiSearch can generate bibliographic entries for Chicago/Turabian (17th edition). You will still need to create the footnote entry yourself.

  • Click on the Citation link underneath an item record.
  • Copy and paste a formatted citation into your assignment.
  • Check the output against the guide, do not assume the output is correct.

screen shot of citation generated by multisearch

Some databases generate citation details for search results that you can copy and paste into your assignment. Including:

EBSCOhost databases 

  • EBSCOhost databases can generate citations for ABNT, AMA11,  APA7, Chicago17, MLA9 and Vancouver styles.
  • Check the output is correct against this guide then copy and paste a formatted citation into your assignment


ProQuest databases

  • Click on the "Cite" link on the right hand side of a result and choose Chicago 17th edition.
  • Check then copy and paste a formatted citation into your assignment.


  • All bibliographic referencing software programs are citation generators. You can either build citations up from information in the source, or export citations from databases or websites.
  • MQ Library supports EndNote and has guides on Mendeley and Zotero.

Check their details here:

EndNote for Mac

EndNote for Windows



Using Microsoft Word for footnoting

  • Place your cursor where you want the superscript number to appear.
  • Select the References tab from the top menu and click Insert Footnote. A superscript number will be inserted into the text and a corresponding footnote number created at the bottom of the page.
  • See the Creating Footnotes page in this guide on how to format your footnote.
  • The below link is a short video on how to insert footnotes using MS Word:

Other MQ resources

StudyWISE iLearn unit is a toolbox to help students develop research skills, academic writing skills and more. 

In particular, Reference and cite effectively and correctly (under The assignment process section) has useful information.

Check out the wide range of workshops free to Macquarie students run every Session by The Writing Centre and Library including Referencing Essentials. The workshop schedule page includes links to recordings.