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Provides an overview on using MultiSearch

Finding Journals

A couple of options:

  • On the Library homepage, choose ‘Journal by title’ from underneath the search bar and type in words from the Journal title,
  • In MultiSearch, from the top navigation bar, enter your title, or ISSN. 

TIP: If you have used the full title in your search and it does not turn up a result, try searching with just the most important keywords from the title. 

Refine your search to retrieve only journal titles.

  • First select 'New Search' (top menu).
  • Then, use the pull-down menu below the search bar, change the material type to Journals 
  • You can either enter keywords or use the next pull-down menu to change the search type to with my exact phrase or begins with.
  • A third pull-down menu allows you to specify which fields you would like to limit to (eg anywhere in the record or in the title)

filters under search bar to narrow to journals and words in the title

Over time, it is common for journals to change titles as publishers or editors change.

Your search may bring up other journals that are seemingly unrelated. The record that matches should contain information about previous or subsequent titles.

  • Select Journal by title in the top menu bar to browse for journals by subject category
  • You can expand and/or select the categories and sub-categories in the left-hand column
  • The relevant journal titles will display in alphabetical order

You can also search for journals by their subject. This can be done by using the pull-down menus below the search bar to change 'All items' to Journals and the 'anywhere in record' field to in subject. You can either enter keywords or use the pull-down menu again to change the search type to with my exact phrase.

narrow using filters under the search bar to search for journals on a subject - endocrinology

  • Access to journals will differ depending on the type of subscription
  • The brief details on the search results will let you know if there is online access or physical holdings

The detailed results will usually include:

For online subscriptions

  • date coverage information (including any embargo period maintained by the publisher)
  • a link for access to the journal

For print subscriptions:

  • The physical location of the journal (ARC items must be requested)
  • A list of the held volumes starting with the most recent