This guide is based on the University of Queensland's APA7th Referencing style guide and is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The APA 7th referencing style was developed by the American Psychological Association and is an "Author-Date" system. See below for examples of basic APA citations and references. Use the left hand menu to locate specific source types and examples.
You should check your unit guide or consult with unit convenors/lecturers for the referencing style required in your unit.
In-text citation
(Author's family name & Author's family name, Year).
Author's family name and Author's family name (Year) stated that...
Reference list
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Journal, volume(issue), page#-page#. DOI or URL
Osman, M. (2010). Controlling uncertainty: A review of human behavior in complex dynamic environments. Psychological Bulletin, 136(1), 65-86.
In-text citation
(Author's family name & Author's family name, Year).
Author's family name & Author's family name (Year) stated that...
Reference list
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the book: Subtitle of the book (#th ed.). Publisher. DOI or URL
Swartz, W. (2019). Descriptive psychology and the person concept: Essential attributes of persons and behavior. Academic Press.
In-text citation
(Author's family name & Author's family name, Year).
Author's family name & Author's family name (Year) stated that ...
Reference list
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the book chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book: Subtitle of the book (#th ed., pp. #-#). Publisher. DOI or URL
Rattan, A. (2019). How lay theories (or mindsets) shape the confrontation of prejudice. In R. K. Mallett & M. J. Monteith (Eds.), Confronting prejudice and discrimination: The science of changing minds and behaviors (pp. 121-140). Academic Press.
In-text citation
(Author's family name & Author's family name, Year).
Author's family name & Author's family name (Year) stated that...
Reference list
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage. Title of the website. URL
Shapiro, R. E., & Cowan, R. (2017, January 10). Key points about caffeine and migraines. American Migraine Foundation.