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APA 7th Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

History primary sources

Footnotes are not used generally for references in APA style.  However, if you feel you need to add footnotes to your work, please consult your unit convenor for advice.

For further information have a look at Academic Writer: APAs tool for teaching and learning effective writing.

Book - Ancient text, author known

  • Translator details to be placed after title. i.e. History of the Peloponnesian War (R. Warner, Trans.).
  • Original work date to be entered as (Original work published ca. 431 B.C.E.) and after publisher details.

For further information see the APA7 Manual p. 264 and 325.

In text

(Thucydides, ca. 431 B.C.E./1972, 2.15.2) 

Reference list entry

Thucydides. (1972). History of the Peloponnesian War (R. Warner, Trans.). Penguin. (Original work published ca. 431 B.C.E.)

Book - Ancient text, anonymous

classical or religious work is cited as either a book or a webpage, depending on what version of the source you are using. See

In text

(Gardiner, 1932: 37.7) 

Note: 37.7 represents page 37, line 7 of this edition.

Reference list entry

Gardiner, A. H. (1932). Late Egyptian Stories. Édition de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth.

Possible solution for Papyrus

In text

(The Contendings of Horus and Seth, P. Chester Beatty I, Rto.,1.5, in Gardiner, Late Egyptian Stories: 37.7)


Note: Include the URL if available. 37.7 represents page 37, line 7 of this edition.


Reference list entry

Contendings of Horus and Seth (recto), Encomium of Ramesses V (verso), Beginning of the words of the great dispenser of entertainment (love-songs I) (verso). (n.d.). Chester Beatty. LOG_0000/(Original work published ca. 1160 B.C.E.)

Database - Ancient text, author known

  • Resource classed as a website page rather than database
  • Only include a retrieval date if content is designed to change over time.

In text

(Attalus, n.d.)

Reference list entry (reference the web page, not the original source)

Attalus (n.d.). Polyaenus: Stratagems. translate/polyaenus.html

Database - Ancient text, anonymous

In text

(Dils, 2004) 

Reference list entry

Dils, P. (2004). Die lehre des Ptahhotep. Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae.

Archival material

In text

(Ogden, 1859) 


Reference list entry

Ogden, S. J. (1859, January 31). [Letter to Sarah A. Kimball]. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Archival Collections, University of Kansas (Pillsbury family papers, RH MS 802, Box 1, Folder 5), Lawrence, KA.


Further support from APA Style Archival documents and collections


  • Include a time stamp if referring to a specific moment/quote e.g. (Shanley, 1990, 1:09:19).
  • As with all audio-visual material, if the source is derived from a streaming service instead of physical media, please name the streaming service or channel.

In text

(Shanley, 1990) - brackets are required for in text


Reference list entry

Shanley, J. P. (1990). Joe Versus the Volcano [Film]. Warner Brothers Pictures.


Interviews are only added as an in-text citation. They are not included in the reference list.

In text

(E. Beversdorf, interview, October 21, 2012)

Personal communication

Personal communications are only added as an in-text citation. They are not included in the reference list.

In text

(K. Sanders, personal communication, October 22, 2012)


Museum object

  • If the artist or maker is known, cite them first.
  • If the object bears text, you can also cite the text line.


In-text citation format

[Object/Image/Monument name, Catalogue number/location], [Citation of Book, Chapter or Article, following general APA style].


Amphora of Pholos receiving Heracles, British Museum, 1837, 0609.42,  


Reference list entry

[Citation of Book, Chapter or Article, following APA style].


British Museum,

For more information on citing museum plaques, exhibitions and artworks

Musical Recording, written by performer

  • If the song is composed, not sung, you can list the composer instead of the recording artist.
  • If the song has no associated album, this can be omitted.

In text

(Dylan, 2006) - brackets are required for in text

Reference list entry

Dylan, B. (2006). Workingman’s Blues #2 [Song]. On Modern Times. Columbia.

Musical recording, not written by performer

In text for 2 author requires the use of the & symbol not “and” text

All the US states are included in abbreviated form. For example:

  • New York, NY
  • Boston, MA
  • Chicago, IL

In text

(Carmichael & Gorrell, 1960) 

Reference list entry

Carmichael, H., & Gorrell, S. (1960). Georgia on my mind [Recorded by R. Charles]. On The genius hits the road [Album]. New York, NY: ABC-Paramount.

Sacred source

  • Cite sacred sources, such as the Bible, Koran or Torah like Ancient text, anonymous, but do not italicise the title. For example (Koran 19:17-21).
  • If the artist or maker is known, cite them first.

Recorded speech

  • Month is written in full eg July.
  • Title of the speech is italicised.
  • Type of recording to be included as [Speech audio recording]. Note the full stop after the closed square bracket.
  • If taken from a website, identify the webpage name.
  • https://  address is for the recording itself not the media player it is played on. No full stop after the URL.
  • Include a time stamp if referring to a specific moment or quote e.g. (Shanley, 1990, 1:09:19).

For further information see the APA7 Manual p. 346

In text



Reference list entry

Morrison, T. (1993, December 7). Nobel Lecture [Speech audio recording]. The Nobel Prize.

Television Episode

  • Include the writers and directors for the episode.
  • Include the contributor's role in parentheses after each name.
  • Include the writers and directors for the episode. Include the contributor’s role in parentheses after each name.
  • [TV series episode] to indicate the format.
  • Include a time stamp if referring to a specific moment or quote e.g. (Shanley, 1990, 1:09:19).

For further information see the APA Style Film and television.

In text

(Snodgrass & Scheerer, 1989) 


Reference list entry

Snodgrass, M. M. (Director), & Scheerer, R. (Writer). (1989, February 13). The measure of a man (Season 2, Episode 9) [TV series episode]. In R. Berman & M. Piller, Star Trek: The next generation. Paramount.


Television Episode on DVD

In text

(Snodgrass & Scheerer, 1989) 


Reference list entry

Snodgrass, M. M. (Director), & Scheerer, R. (Writer). (2012). The measure of a man (Season 2, Episode 9) [TV series episode; DVD special extended ed.]. In R. Berman & M. Piller (Executive Producers), Star trek: The next generation. Paramount.