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APA 7th Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support

Legal sources

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association refers to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for referencing legal publications. However, this does not cover Australian materials. 

For Australian resources, the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition (AGLC4) has been used. The examples in this guide are based on this format.

In-text citations

(Major Events Act 2014 (Qld) s. 3) OR Major Events Act 2014 (Qld) states that ...

Reference list

Short Title of the Act Year (Jurisdiction abbreviation) s. Subdivision number (if applicable). URL

Major Events Act 2014 (Qld).


Note: Long title should only be used if there is no short title.

In-text citation

Healthy Futures Commission Queensland Bill 2017 (Qld) s. 23 OR As found in the Healthy Futures Commission Queensland Bill (2017, s. 23) ...

Reference list

Short Title of the Bill Year (Jurisdiction abbreviation) s. Subdivision number (if applicable). URL

Healthy Futures Commission Queensland Bill 2017 (Qld) s. 23.


Note: Long title should only be used if there is no short title.

In-text citations

(Montevento Holdings Pty Ltd v Scaffidi, 2012) OR As found in Montevento Holdings Pty Ltd v Scaffidi (2012)...

Reference list

Case name (Year). Volume Law Report Abbreviation Starting Page Number. URL

Montevento Holdings Pty Ltd v Scaffidi (2012). 246 CLR 325. https://www-westlaw-com-au/

In-text citation

(Nothdurft & Anor v QGC Pty Limited & Ors, 2017) OR As found in Nothdurft & Anor v QGC Pty Limited & Ors (2017)....

Reference list

Case name [Year] Volume Law Report Abbreviation Starting Page Number. URL

Nothdurft & Anor v QGC Pty Limited & Ors [2017] QLC 41.

In-text citation

(Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, 7 February 2017, 39)

Reference list

Jurisdiction. Parliamentary debates. Chamber. Day Month Year. Volume. URL

Commonwealth. Parliamentary debates. Senate. 7 February 2017. 39.;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%222010s%202010%22

Jurisdiction Abbreviation
Commonwealth Cth
Australian Capital Territory ACT
New South Wales NSW
Northern Territory NT
Queensland Qld
South Australia SA
Tasmania Tas
Victoria Vic
Western Australia WA

Source: (Melbourne University Law Review Association & Melbourne Journal of International Law, 2010, p. 65).