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APA 7th Referencing

Instructions and links for Referencing support


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage. Title of the website. URL

Shapiro, R. E., & Cowan, R. (2017, January 10). Key points about caffeine and migraines. American Migraine Foundation.


  • If you use multiple pages from within the same website, reference each page individually.
  • If referring to a website in general, do not include it in the in-text citation or in the reference list. Include website name within the text and add the URL in parentheses, e.g. "The survey was developed using Checkbox ("
  • Leave out the name of the website if the author and site name are the same.
  • If a part of the date is not available, include the year and month if possible, e.g.

Macquarie University Library. (2023).

Macquarie University Library. (2023, October).

Macquarie University Library. (2023, October 15).

  • If there is no date at all, include n.d.
  • If there are references with the same author(s) and year, list them in alphabetically by title in the reference list. For the first of these references, add "a" after the year, "b" after the year for the second reference and so on. Use the relevant letter after the year in the in-text reference.

In-text citation

(Shapiro & Cowan, 2017) OR Shapiro and Cowan (2017) mentioned that ...

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page. Website name. URL

Shapiro, R. E., & Cowan, R. (2017, January 10). Key points about caffeine and migraines. American Migraine Foundation.

In-text citation

(Mayo Clinic, 2017) OR Mayo Clinic (2017) stated that ...



  • Only include Year

Reference list

Author Group name. (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page. Website name - if different from the organisation. URL

Mayo Clinic. (2017, March 8). Nutrition and healthy eating.



  • If there is no date or no month, these can be left out eg. Mayo Clinic. (2017) or Mayo Clinic. (2017, March).

In-text citation

(Australian Psychological Society, n.d.) OR Australian Psychological Society ( n.d.) stated that ...

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s) - or Group name.  (n.d.). Title of page. Website name - if needed. URL

Australian Psychological Society. (n.d.). Anxiety disorders.



  • Leave out the name of the website if the author and site name are the same.

Webpage or Website Reference

Learn how to format references for material found on webpages or websites, such as government websites or articles on news websites.

Academic Writer

© 2023 American Psychological Association.

Social media


  • Do not change or correct nonstandard spelling and capitalization.
  • Include any links or hashtags.
  • If emojis are used, replicate them where possible or include its name in square brackets, e.g. [winking face].
  • Refer to Author information for more advice on referencing social media posted by a group.

In-text citation

(Conason, 2018) OR Conason (2018) stated that ....

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of post. Blog name. URL

Conason, A. (2018, October 5). Why you should consider group therapy. Eating Mindfully.

In-text citation

(Hordofa, 2019) OR Hordofa (2019) mentioned that...

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of post comment or up to first 20 words [Comment on the article or post "Article or post title"]. Blog title. URL

Hordofa, A. B. (2019, October 9). I am very interested to read it and congratulates the author for the finding! [Comment on the post "In the eye of the beholder: Why you should care about color blindness when designing scientific images"]. Elsevier Researcher Academy.



  • Use name of person making comment as author.
  • Include title of comment or up to first 20 words of comment as title.
  • Shortened web address can be used.

In-text citation

(Macquarie University Library, n.d.) OR Macquarie University Library (n.d.) mentioned that.....

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of page [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL

Macquarie University Library. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from

In-text citation

(Macquarie University Library, 2023) OR Macquarie University Library (2023) stated that....

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). [Instagram name]. (Year, Month Day). Title or content up to first 20 words [Photograph(s)]. Instagram. URL

Macquarie University Library [mq_library].(2023, September 14). MQ Library is open extended hours for Macquarie campus card holders! 7am to midnight every day (levels 3, 4 & 5)[Photograph]. Instagram.

In-text citation

(Macquarie University Library, 2020) OR Macquarie University Library (2020) found that ....

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Content or caption of the post - up to the first 20 words [Image attached - if needed] [Content form eg. Video, Status update, Infographic]. Social media service eg. Facebook. URL - short URL can be used

Macquarie University Library. (2020, October 4). The winners of the 2020 Literary Awards will be revealed at tonight’s ceremony. Good luck to all shortlisted writers! [Status update]. Facebook.

In-text citation

(Macquarie University Library, 2021) OR Macquarie University Library (2021) noted that ....

Reference list

Author Family name, Initial(s) [Twitter Name]. (Year, Month Day). Content or caption of the post – up to the first 20 words [image attached - if needed] [Tweet]. Twitter. URL

Macquarie University Library [@mq_library]. (2021, October 4). Air conditioned library or enjoying the sun and the view - tough choice! [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.

Social Media Post Reference

Learn how to format references for social media sites, including pages and posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

Academic Writer

© 2023 American Psychological Association.