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Leganto Reading Lists for Convenors

Adding Citations to your Reading List

Once you have created your reading list and sections, you are ready to start adding citations. There are 2 options for this;

Option 1 - Click the ADD ITEMS + button. This will allow you to find or add resources that you can then drag and drop into the relevant sections;

Option 2 - Click on the Section menu (ellipsis) and choose Add Items + . This provides the same options, but will add the citation directly into that section;

Adding citations from a section

There are a number of ways you add citations to your reading list. The options available are to;

  • add a citation from MultiSearch using the Library Search button
  • to manually create a citation from the Blank Form
  • to add a citation from your personal Leganto collection (Collection)
  • and to import citations from your Mendeley library (in the More tab);

Each of these options will be dealt with in a different box in this section. For more information on how to import citations from Mendeley, click on the left-hand tab Using Leganto with EndNote/Mendeley/Zotero.

Adding MultiSearch Citations from Leganto

You can search for resources using the in-built MultiSearch function.

1) Click on Library Search and type a title or a keyword into the search box;

2) You can click, drag, and drop the citation into the correct place, or you can select the source you require, click the Add to list radio button, and use the drop down menu to select the relevant section. Click ADD to complete the action;

Adding a citation to the list

Manually Uploading Resources

If you cannot find the item you need via MultiSearch, you can manually create a resource or citation.

1) Click on Blank Form and fill out the relevant fields.

  • Use the Type drop-down menu to specify the type of resource you are adding. The fields will be different according to the type you choose, and include book, book chapter, article, video, website, and many more. 
  • The Source field is where you can add the URL for online material
  • If you are uploading a file, choose from the following options:
    • the item is covered by a Creative Commons licence - select the license type from the drop-down list. Click on this link for information on CC licenses
    • the copyright belongs to yourself or Macquarie University - select Copyright Belongs To Myself/Macquarie University.
    • the Library should check the copyright status - select Investigation of Copyright Status Required.

2) Select the Add to list radio button, and use the drop down menu to select the relevant section, then click ADD;

Add to list

Adding Citations from 'My Collection'

If you have citations in your personal Leganto library (My Collection), you can move them across to your reading list.

1) Click on My Collection to see your library;

My Collection


2) You can click, drag, and drop the citation into the correct place, or you can select the source you require, click the Add to list radio button, and use the drop down menu to select the relevant section. Click ADD to complete the action;

Adding a citation

Duplicating Citations

If you need to include a reading more than once in your unit, you can duplicate the citation and add it to the relevant section.

1) Click on the ellipsis to the right of the citation. Click on Copy citation;

Copy citation


2) Choose the list you would like to copy the citation to. It can be either this list, or another list you are currently working on. Then choose the section. Click CONFIRM;

Copy citation

Reordering Citations

You can reorder the citations in a list by dragging and dropping them into the correct spot. 

1) Use your cursor to hover over the right hand side of the citation until the vertical blue bar appears. Your cursor should change from a pointing finger pointing finger to a flat hand Flat hand. With the flat hand, click and hold down on the blue bar, and drag the citation up or down. Release the cursor when the citation is in the correct place;

Reordering citations

Bag It function

Leganto has a Bag function that allows you to place citations in a temporary bag so that you can move multiple citations in one go.

1) To add citations to the Bag, click on the Add to bag radio button, and then the BAG IT button;

Bag it button


2) A bag icon will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen, with a number telling you how many items are in the bag;

Bag it icon


3) Click on the icon to open the bag folder. Move your cursor to the relevant place in your list, click, and your items will automatically be added.

My bag