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Anywhere Access - Apps and Tips

Your guide to remote access options for Library subscribed resources, essential worktools, and troubleshooting.

First, try using MultiSearch

Logging into MultiSearch is the most efficient way to search for and access the Library's complete collection of print and online resources anytime, anywhere:

However, you may find the following apps, browser extensions, and retrieval methods useful as alternate ways to access online resources that you come across on the web.

Still need Access to an E-resource?

Macquarie University Library subscribes to tens of thousands of electronic resources.

Most publishers can perceive that you are on campus by your Macquarie IP address. However, when you are off campus, your IP address may not be recognised. In such cases, you will encounter a paywall. 

The following apps, extensions, and retrieval methods can be used to locate the full text of e-resources anytime, anywhere. More precisely, they allow you to:

  • Gain access to Library subscribed e-resources more seamlessly
  • Find open access versions of research publications
  • Gain access to research faster - often immediately!
libMQ iconlibMQ is an app designed by the Library which offers easy access to MultiSearch, MyLibrary and other services.

When we already have a paid subscription to a resource prompting you for registration and fees, the Access via Macquarie Bookmarklet may redirect you to the content that you require.

The Troubleshooting E-resource Access Guide provides information on, and solutions to, technical issues associated with our e-resources.

The Australian Access Federation (AAF) framework allows you to access shared resources and services across a variety of publishing platforms using your OneID.

BrowZine icon

BrowZine is a content delivery app designed to bring journal articles directly to your computer, tablet, or smartphone​​.

The EBSCOhost Passport makes research simpler by scanning the web page for DOIs, then checking if the user has access to the article either in an EBSCOhost full text database or through Open Access

EndNote Click icon

EndNote Click helps you retrieve full-text PDFs faster by securely connecting you to MQ Library’s journal subscriptions and Open Access content.

GetFTR works with all major discovery resources to ensure researchers can easily access the content they are entitled to read.

Configure your Google Scholar settings to include links to MQ, you will be able to access full-text articles through the Library's database subscriptions.

Google Scholar button icon

The Google Scholar Button is a browser extension that enables easy access to full-text articles from any web page. 

Campus Activated Subscriber Access (CASA) enables you to take MQ Library subscriptions off campus without having to use a VPN or other authentication service.

LibKey Nomed icon

The LibKey Nomad browser extension enables one-click access to many scholarly articles.

Mendeley Web Importer icon

Conveniently add references and PDFs to your Mendeley Reference Manager Library using the Import Manager browser extension.

Open Access button icon

The Open Access Button enables you to get around paywalls with a click.

Unpaywall icon

As its name implies, the Unpaywall extension allows you to skip payment prompts with respect to countless peer-reviewed journals.

OneNet Anywhere (Macquarie University VPN) lets you connect to the MQ Library network from anywhere in the world.