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Anywhere Access - Apps and Tips

Your guide to remote access options for Library subscribed resources, essential worktools, and troubleshooting.

About the Open Access Button

  • The Open Access Button enables you to download research outputs that are distributed online, free of charge. For more information, please consult our LibGuide.
  • You may see the Open Access Button on some site indicating that it is freely available - this does not mean the extension has been installed to your browser. See below for instructions on how to do so. 

How it works

Click on the relevant icon below to install the extension to your browser.

 Get it for Chrome

 Get it for Firefox

  • Click on Add to Chrome / Firefox and follow the instructions.
  • You will then see the extension in your browser's menu bar.

When you discover the record of a paper on the web, you can click on the Open Access Button to locate a complete and free version of it that is immediately accessible:

Alternatively, you may search for an article's title, DOI or URL directly via the Open Access Button webpage:

For example,

Searching ... 

Challenges and virtues of theory-driven education - a meta-study of variation theory implemented in early childhood mathematics education

will result in ...

This article is freely available!

If the Open Access Button cannot locate any immediately accessible version of the paper, it will attempt to email the relevant author/s for the purpose of acquiring the item.