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Media, Communication, Creative Arts, Language & Literature

Find and use relevant resources for Media, Communication, Creative Arts, Language and Literature


Databases are:

  • collections of information, and can include journal and newspaper articles, as well as audio visual, books, conference proceedings and more.
  • often specialised in a specific topic or discipline
  • sometimes cross disciplinary

Key search terms

  • Searches can couple a specific term with one of the general terms. For instance, dance AND "creative practice"
  • the AND in capitals will link the concepts for more refined results. 
Specific performing artists; embodiment; aerial circus; strength training; stunt; dance; performing arts; entertainers; circuses; modern dance; choreography; mobility; performance art; identity
Useful general terms social research; training; cultural studies; analysis; experience; creative process; creative practice




Browse the Library's journal subscriptions. You can:

  • browse journals by subject and review tables of contents
  • download full articles 
  • link to specific "shelves" of content and  add journals to your personal bookshelf  
  • be notified when new articles are published
  • save articles for off-line reading

Please note that not all Journals are in Browzine.

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